American Express Shop Small rewards businesses that take part

American Express is launching its annual Shop Small campaign this August, which encourages Australians to support local small businesses and rewards the shoppers and businesses that take part.

This is the 12th year that American Express has run the nationwide Shop Small campaign, however it has been moved from its usual November timeframe to August, after the small business sector said the winter months were when many operators need support the most.

The campaign kicks off on Thursday 1 August, and across the opening weekend, and American Express Card Members who shop at Amex-accepting small businesses will earn five bonus points for every $1 spent, up to 1000 points.

Businesses participating in Shop Small will have the chance to win one of 10 cash prizes worth $10,000 each, with all eligible businesses automatically entered into the prize pool each time an American Express Card Member spends with them during the month.

Robert Tedesco, American Express Vice President of Global Merchant Services Australia, said: “Small business owners are often the great connectors of Australian communities. Without them, we wouldn’t have our favourite coffee shops, restaurants, gyms, grocers and retailers that help create our local village vibes.

“They’re not just the backbone of our communities, but our economy too, providing about 42 per cent of private sector employment and generating one-third ($500bn) of Australia’s GDP.

“American Express is proud to continue backing these small business operators through initiatives like Shop Small so that small businesses can not only survive, but thrive, into the future as the heart of our local communities.”

Australian Retailers Association Chief Executive Officer, Paul Zahra said: “Small retailers are currently facing immense pressures – from increased costs of doing business, to the consumer spending slowdown due to cost-of-living pressures.

“Our latest ARA & American Express Small Retail Index found that one-third (33 per cent) often take on more work than they plan to, with another 30 per cent saying they have never been more stressed.

“With the winter period often being one of the slowest periods in national retail trade, initiatives like the American Express Shop Small program help make a difference by encouraging new and existing customers through the doors of our retailers.”

Tedesco added: “With Amex Card Members spending 2.7 times more on average with small businesses than non-card members, and with more small businesses accepting American Express than ever before, we’re rallying our card members to lend their support by making shopping at small businesses a priority.”

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