Do tips dictate your service?

Yes, we understand that tipping in the United States is different to here in Australia, but do tips – or other aspects of consumer behaviour – matter when it comes to how you service people?

A bartender is the US has taken to social media platform, TikTok, to highlight why people may not get the service they would expect in a bar.

@Romansparkles said in his video clip: “When you don’t tip, we tell the other bartenders who’s not tipping so we don’t go to you. I’m not saying that you have to tip a lot, but you tip at least 10 per cent, we’ll come to you.

“You tip 20 per cent or more, we’re going to make sure we get to you. If you tip more than 50 per cent I will RKO whoever the fuck is in front of you and make sure you get served. How’s that sound?”

How does that sound? What behaviour would make you favour or snub a customer? Leave your comments below and let us know what you think.

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