Licencees encouraged to connect with local liquor accords

Liquor and gaming venues across Queensland are being encouraged to re-connect with their local liquor accord.

Queensland’s Commissioner for Liquor and Gaming, Victoria Thomson, said liquor accords are a great example of government, business and the community working together to minimise alcohol and gambling related harm. “Creating a safe and enjoyable environment for patrons, local businesses, and the local community is important to us all,” Thomson said.

“Being a member of a liquor accord allows you to connect with other licensees, government agencies and community organisations to develop and coordinate strategies which improve safety in your local area.

“Harm minimisation strategies adopted by liquor accords include venue bans for problem patrons and safety campaigns like the OzAngel program and Ask for Angela, which focus on improving women’s safety in venues.”

Thomson said the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) has released an interactive map showing all liquor accords and safe night precincts operating across Queensland.

“The new map is a valuable resource to help licensees to easily find and connect with their local liquor accord or identify if they need to start a liquor accord in their local area,” she said.

“The map also allows licensees to find gambling help services in their local area, identify restricted alcohol areas and locate their nearest OLGR office.”

The OLGR has also released new online resources which assist the more than 55 liquor accords currently operating in Queensland and make it easier for anyone interested in starting an accord in their local area.

“As well as harm minimisation strategies accords can adopt to improve their local area, the new resources include tips for running a successful accord including training and presentation topics and templates to assist with the ongoing management of an accord,” said Thomson.

Further information and resources on liquor accords are available on the OLGR website.

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