
Absinthe Day
Mar 5 all-day
Absinthe Day

Some consumers hear the word absinthe and shudder, likely because they haven’t explored the possibilities of the strong spirit. Take this as your chance to change that by getting creative with cocktails, mixers, or even the traditional absinthe drinking method.

International Whisk(e)y Day
Mar 27 all-day
International Whisk(e)y Day

It’s a dram good time to celebrate all things whisk(e)y. In such a huge and vibrant category, this day is best celebrated by helping consumers navigate the range of whisk(e)y products behind the bar and discover a new favourite tipple. Sláinte!

World Cocktail Day
May 13 all-day
World Cocktail Day

Mix it up on World Cocktail day. Give a throwback to the first publication date of the definition of a cocktail on May 13, 1806.

Grab your shakers, favourite spirits, mixes and garnish and put together something spectacular.

Share it with us on Insta @barsandclubsmagazine

World Cocktail Day
May 13 all-day
World Cocktail Day

Is there anything better than a tasty, well balanced cocktail? We think not. World Cocktail Day is a time to appreciate the art of the cocktail and the innovator mixologists who create them. Celebrating this one is as fun for you as it is for the consumer – think special menus and experimental concoctions. Get inspired now with our cocktail recipe collection here.

World Gin Day
Jun 10 all-day
World Gin Day

A global celebration of all things gin. Whether it’s the simplicity of a well-made gin and tonic, or a gin cocktail, the second Saturday in June is all about celebrating all things juniper.

World Gin Day
Jun 13 all-day
World Gin Day

What a day this is, a celebration for the powerhouse that is gin! The category is booming right now as we all know, so there’s many products you could choose to mark the occasion. But with the current COVID-19 pandemic and it’s impact on the economy, why not take the opportunity to support a local producer? Australia’s Gindustry is recognised the world over for it’s quality and innovation, that’s sure worth celebrating!

World Martini Day
Jun 19 all-day
World Martini Day

One of the most classic cocktails there is, the Martini deserves it’s own day of celebration. Added bonus: in the midst of the local craft spirit boom, you’ve got the chance to shake (or stir) up the traditional recipe in more ways than ever and appeal to new customers while you’re at it.

National Mojito Day
Jul 11 all-day
National Mojito Day

A favourite among consumer and trade alike, the humble Mojito is one of the most popular cocktails worldwide. Its day of celebration happens to fall on World Rum Day too! Whether you like your Mojito traditionally refreshing, or you spice it up with a little flair or twist, it’s the perfect opportunity to appreciate one of the most perfect drink inventions.

World Rum Day
Jul 11 all-day
World Rum Day

It’s dark, it’s white, it’s spiced, it’s coconut-flavoured… is there anything rum can’t be? Celebrate the diversity, the craftsmanship and the history of your favourite rum through classic cocktails and signature serves today. Need inspiration? Why not check out our range of rum cocktails here, including the pictured Golden Rule cocktail that made Adam Dow the Australian champion of Bacardi Legacy 2020.

National Tequila Day
Jul 24 all-day
National Tequila Day

Being part of the bar industry, we’re sure tequila holds a spot near and dear to your heart. Celebrate that spot today, and make sure you sing: